October is National Bullying Prevention Month

October is National Bullying Prevention Month. Bullying Prevention Month is a nationwide call to action around educating communities to their roles in bullying prevention and to educate and raise awareness of bullying prevention. Everyone can share in the efforts to Stop Bullying and Stand Up for Kindness.
 Week of October 2nd: Make Friends with Someone New If you've ever been isolated from others at school or you were new at school and it took time to make friends, you know what it feels like to be left out. Make friends with someone at school who you don't know. You probably wish someone had done that for you. Be a leader. Take action and don't let anyone at school be in isolation.
 Week of October 9th: STAND UP for Others Week When you see someone being bullied, be brave and STAND UP for them. Bullies have been known to back off when others stand up. If you don't feel safe get the help of an adult immediately. Be part of the solution, not the problem! 
Week of October 16th: Include Everyone Don't let anyone at school eat alone in the cafeteria. Include other students in school activities. Include other students in after school activities. Invite someone you don't know to sit next to you on the bus. Learn about each other. It’s important to remind our friends and classmates that we’re all in it together and we’re here to listen and support. 
 Week of October 23rd: Red Ribbon Week (See Red Ribbon Week Toolkit for more information) Drugs are becoming increasingly more prevalent in our communities. It is important that teens and parents know about both illicit drugs and the misuse of prescription medications: what they are, where they are found, and the symptoms of drug use so that they can be empowered to get help or encourage their loved ones or friends to seek help.