TMSA's 3rd Grade PBL Showcase Spotlighting Electricity

TMSA's 3rd graders recently demonstrated their knowledge of energy and energy transfer during their Project Based Learning (PBL) showcase this semester. The students engaged with the audience by exploring the concept of electricity. 
Third grade parents/guardians, Georgia Milestones (GMAS) testing begins on April 24, 2023. It's imperative for students to arrive at school daily on time, no later than 7:45 a.m. and get enough rest. Remember, IXL is a good resource for students to continue practicing math and ELA skills. 
Pictures from the PBL Showcase
3rd Grade PBL
3rd Grade PBL
3rd Grade PBL
3rd Grade PBL
3rd Grade PBL
3rd Grade PBL
3rd Grade PBL