8th Grade Holiday Newsletter

Greetings TMSA 8th Grade Parents and Guardians, 

 We would like to begin by thanking you, our amazing parents/guardians,  and all our 8th grade students for your unfaltering support!  We look forward to continually working with you throughout the school year by providing the best educational experience possible for our students. This newsletter provides you with an update on what is going on in the classroom and what will be coming up in the future. Happy Holidays!!!!!!

Social Studies – Mr. Lotfy

Students are completing Georgia in the American Revolution (SS8H2: SS8H2 Analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.) Students will take their exam in the weeks following their return from Winter Break. I have provided them with the unit and vocabulary study guide. Students should spend 20-30 minutes a day going over their study guide; thus they will be successful on the exam. Once the students return and complete their exam, we will continue working on units (SS8H3, SS8H4, SS8H5, SS8H6). Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. I hope everybody has a safe and wonderful Holiday season! 


ELA – Ms. Ward

In ELA, Grades 8 and 9 have just completed their project-based learning presentation on the themes and literary elements that can be made through music. The project and presentation were an outstanding success. We are very proud of the work our students put in and look forward to their next project-based learning project.

When we return, we will continue to work towards mastering the ELA standards for 8th and 9th grade. Thank you as always for your support. Have a wonderful holiday.


Writing Strategies- Ms. Ward

 7 Habits of Good Writers:

 They read a lot!

  • They write every day.
  • They try out new ideas and strategies that they see in books they read.
  • They do not edit their writing until they are finished getting their thoughts down.
  • They get ideas from books, from others, and by noticing the world around them.
  • They identify their audience, purpose, organization, style, flow, and presentation before they write.
  • They complete the writing process in its entirety: prewrite/brainstorm, research (if needed), draft, revise, edit/proofread, and publish. 


Science – Ms. Stepp

Students have had rich experiences in science this quarter. They were able to participate in an outreach program by the Atlanta Botanical Garden, testing nitrogen and pH levels of different types of soils. Please see those pictures below. In class, the students have been learning about waves and how energy moves from one place to another. We are excited to finish the energy unit and begin chemistry with explorations in matter in January. We are also planning a field trip to Tellus Science Museum. More information will be coming out soon! Thank you and have a safe and wonderful holiday!

Check this activity out that you can do at home!

Link to the activity:  https://sciencebuddies.org/stem-activities/solar-oven?from=Blog

Stepp Science    Stepp Science

Stepp Science     Stepp Science


Math – Mr. Bailey

Math 8: We recently finished Unit 5: Linear Functions, which covered standards MGSE8.EE.5, MGSE8.EE.6, and MGSE.8.F.3. In Alg. 1 we recently finished Unit 3: Quadriatic Functions, which covered standards MGSE9-12.A.SSE.2 through MGSE9-12.A.SSE.3b, MGSE9-12.A.CED.1 through MGSE9-12.A.CED.4, MGSE9-12.A.REI.4, MGSE9-12.F.BF.1 through MGSE9-12.F.BF.3, MGSE9-12.F.IF.1 through MGSE9-12.F.IF.9. When we return from break, we will cover Unit 6: Linear Models and Tables which is standards MGSE8.F.4, MGSE8.F.5, and MGSE8.SP.1 through MGSE8.SP.4. In Alg. 1 we will begin Unit 4: Exponential Functions, which covers standards MGSE9-12.A.CED.1 through MGSE9-12.F.IF.9. Students are asked to complete practice in IReady weekly that shows that they spend 60 mins a week for practice. All PowerPoints, notes and assignments are posted in OTUS (lessons and blog), and SAVAAS.