A Message from TMSA's Executive Director: Amended School Budget, Campus Exterior Upgrades & Chicks Inside the Classroom

Greetings TMSA Families,

TMSA Governing Board approved the amended FY2022-23 School Budget on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 presented at October 18, 2022 Finance Committee meeting and October 25, 2022 Governing Board Meeting (meeting minutes can be viewed on the TMSA Charter Boards website.) Several campus capital improvement projects were included in the amended budget that was approved by the Governing Board to included:

  • Renovations to TMSA's football stadium and outdoor fields
  • Painting the exterior of the front of the school building  (as pictured)
  • Updating the landscaping at the driveway and entrance of the school (as pictured)
  • And more!
TMSA Exterior Upgrade  TMSA Exterior Upgrade

We are additionally exploring other projects such as:

  • Converting the tennis courts into an outdoor basketball court
  • Updating each of our 43 classrooms to 21st-century flexible classrooms

Also, this week in Mr. Carter’s 2nd grade classroom; 16 baby chicks were hatched as the 2nd grade classes with the assistance of Officer Jones are obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information about the life cycles of different living organisms (Georgia Standards of Excellence Science Standard S2L1). Click here to view the video of the chickens physically hatching.  With these baby chicks now a part of our TMSA school community, we will also be adding a chicken coop and run to our campus.


Annual Innovation FundIn order for TMSA to continue moving forward with capital improvement projects and extended learning experiences such as these, we need financial support from our TMSA families and friends. Please donate to our Annual Innovation Fund. via the school's official website tmsa.org, MySchoolBucks, or check payable and delivered to The Main Street Academy. 


In partnership,

Dr. Chaddrick Owes
Executive Director   
The Main Street Academy