TMSA's New S.T.E.M. Mural Co-Designed By A Very Special Mother-Daughter Duo

There are several stunning art murals displayed throughout The Main Street Academy. Since the opening of TMSA’s doors to students in 2010, art has been a very important aspect of the school’s curriculum and students’ overall educational experience.

TMSA is honored to showcase the school’s newest mural installation that’s S.T.E.M. centered. S.T.E.M. centers on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  The newest S.T.E.M.-focused mural was installed this past summer inside TMSA’s Innovation Center. This mural is very special as TMSA’s art teacher, Mrs. Hanlin, and her mother, Patricia Winters, designed and painted the mural. Each component of the mural highlights S.T.E.M. and encompasses visuals that students can relate to, such as robotics. 

Mrs. Hanlin states, “The Math mural really speaks to me due to its vibrant colors and hidden references, such as the fraction Harry Potter enthusiasts will notice and appreciate.” Also, Mrs. Hanlin credits the S.T.E.M. mural's co-designer, her mother, for encouraging and inspiring her love of art. 







Harry Potter