TMSA's New Dismissal Procedures: Week 3 Reminders

Greetings TMSA Community,

As we close the third week of TMSA's new afternoon dismissal procedures, please note the following important updates and reminders: 

  • Early dismissal ends at 2:15 p.m. Students may not be checked out from school for early dismissal after 2:15 p.m.  
  • Ensure your TMSA issued tag is on display inside your vehicle's window. If you need extra tags for additional family members, please email Eve Nealy with your child's full name, teacher's name and grade. 
  • Do not drive to the back parking lot (green zone) unless directed to do so. This is a huge safety risk as students are still crossing the back parking lot from the playground. Additionally, if you do, your child's number will not be entered delaying you and the carline
  •  ALL siblings and carpool pickup are around the back of the school (green zone)
  • Do not line up for afternoon dismissal earlier than 3:00 p.m. Staff isn't ready to input dismissal numbers until 3:15 p.m. and students are not dismissed until after 3:20 p.m. The carline moves faster now, so no need to line up so early. Enjoy your free time! 😉
  • The carline is moving faster now so please arrive by 3:45 p.m. to pick up your child. Students picked up after 4:00 p.m. will be charged a $25 late pick up fee due at the time of pick up. 
  • Please note, for safety reasons, upon entering the campus parking lot, please form ohe line. Once the lane splits at the cone, you can then enter your color designated line. 
  • In compliance with the City of  College Park's traffic safety law stated on street signage, left turns are not permitted out of the parking lot both in the morning and afternoon.  
Please be reminded, students are being dismissed so drive slowly and carefully. Be respectful to our staff and volunteers who are trying to safely dismiss our students and direct traffic as quickly as possible. Safety is the priority! 
Click here to review TMSA’s new dismissal procedures.
Thank you for contributing to the improvement of TMSA's afternoon dismissal process! 


Thank you,

Eve Nealy
Operations Manager
The Main Street Academy