Leadership roles are an integral component of the Leader in Me (LiM) leadership initiative at The Main Street Academy (TMSA) . Although simultaneously teaching virtual and face-to-face students, many teachers continue to assign leadership roles to aid in the success of the classroom tasks (virtually and in person on campus). Leadership roles aren't limited to the classroom! Families can extend this leadership practices to their homes.
Utilizing leadership roles at home can mean the difference between “making my children do chores” and “empowering my children to contribute to the family.” While both approaches get the job done, the first is focused on task completion, and the second is focused on learning and practicing leadership and responsibility. The video Green and Clean is a good example of this principle.
To begin establishing leadership roles at home, ask your child, What family leadership role are you interested in? What leadership qualities do you have that will help you fill that role? Then, work together to discuss, write, and sign a Win-Win Agreement (attached) detailing the leadership role behaviors and expectations. Finally, after the child has completed the role for several days, discuss how it’s going, make adjustments, express appreciation, and celebrate success!
Review the enclosed resources provided by TMSA's Lighthouse team that will enable you to easily and successfully institute leadership roles at your home.