Effective Immediately - TMSA's Free Meal Pick-Up Service Offered on Mondays Only (Excluding Holidays)

TMSA will offer breakfast and lunch curbside meals pick-up one day per week on Mondays (excluding holidays) from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. beginning Monday, January 11, 2021. 
The grab and go pick-up kits will contain ten meals consisting of five breakfast and five lunches. Each meal kit will include a variety of ready-made and reheat ready options with reheating instructions. 
Pre-registration is required the Friday before each Monday pick-up as follows:
  • Monday, January 11th Pick-Up: Email [email protected] by noon on Saturday, January 9th to request meal pick-up on Monday, January 11th. Parents and guardians must include their name, as well as the name of their TMSA scholar(s) in the email. This order will include one day of extra meals for Monday, January 18, 2021 as TMSA is closed in observance of MLK, Jr. holiday
  • Tuesday, January 19th  Pick-Up: Email [email protected] no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday, January 15th to request meal pick-up on Tuesday, January 19th. Parents and guardians must include their name, as well as the name of their TMSA scholar(s) in the email.  TMSA is closed on Monday, January 18th in observance of MLK, Jr. holiday
  • Monday, January 25th and Ongoing (excluding holidays) Pick-Up: Email [email protected] no later than 3:00 p.m. on the Friday before the Monday pick-up. Parents and guardians must include their name, as well as the name of their TMSA scholar(s) in the email.
Students attending school for  face-to-face instruction will continue to receive FREE meals during their scheduled mealtimes.