TMSA Campus Closure: Nov. 30 - Dec. 4, 2020

The Main Street Academy's campus is closed November 30 - December 4, 2020 for mold abatement and remediation to ensure the safety of our students, faculty and staff. 
Here's an overview of TMSA student's asynchronous and synchronous schedule for next week:
  • Monday, November 30th - Thursday, December 3rd: All students in grades K - 8 will have synchronous learning (live, virtual instruction) for all classes - core and specials. Click here to view TMSA's 2Q20 schedules. No POD learning and aftercare. 
  • Friday, December 4th: Students in grades K - 8 will have asynchronous learning. Meaning non-live, virtual instruction for core classes and live, virtual instruction for all specials. No POD learning and aftercare. However, students/parents will receive confirmation and logistical details directly from teachers for students receiving small group "face-to-face" instruction (appointment only) for core content classes. No POD learning  and aftercare.
As a friendly reminder, TMSA's Virtual Hotline is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. to assist TMSA students and households experiencing technical difficulties accessing and attending virtual instructed classes. Following are some important and quick reminders to adhere to post Thanksgiving Break:
  • Charge your TMSA issued chrome books
  • Check your class schedule(s)
  • When logging into Otus, don't forget to select the Microsoft icon (4 color blocks
    • Username: Student ID followed by (ex. [email protected])
    • Password is the student's birthdate (e. 00/00/0000 (no spaces, dashes or slashes)