TMSA 2Q20 Asynchronous Learning Day Fridays

Attention TMSA Parents, Guardians and Students
Please note  Asynchronous Learning Days occur every Friday (excluding holidays) during second quarter (2Q) 2020 at The Main Street Academy for all students in grades K - 8. This means core classes are not taught via live, virtual instruction. Rather core classes may consist of recordings, pre-arranged assignments, etc. However, specials classes, such as Spanish, PE, art, and music, occur via live, instruction on Asynchronous Fridays. Face-to-face instructional student and teacher sessions (appointment only) are also conducted Asynchronous Fridays. 
Please click here to access TMSA's 2Q20 core and specials class schedules. 
TMSA's Virtual Hotline is also available on Asynchronous Fridays from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.