Fourth Grade News

           Fourth Grade News

Graves and Taylor


In math, fourth graders started off the year learning about place value up the millions and adding and subtracting with regrouping.  More recently, we have started working on multiplying up to the thousands place. We have been learning about several different multiplication strategies (distributive property, area models, partial products, and standard algorithm). It is very important that 4th grade students are fluent in their basic multiplication facts. Students can use this link to help practice their facts: 


In science, fourth graders have been learning about the weather and the phases of the moon. Students learned about the three main types of clouds and even practiced predicting the weather using their own observations. We are now learning how the moon waxes and wanes and follows a pattern throughout the year. Students have made observations by studying this year's lunar calendar. Here are some great videos about the types of clouds and phases of the moon: 


In ELA, fourth graders recently just completed their first cycle assessment and will begin a new cycle after Fall Break. The focus of the first four weeks was finding the theme of a play, drama and/or story. When students return they will begin focusing on main idea and details in a text. In Writing, students are working hard on creating  narratives with five powerful paragraphs. Students have focused on types of sentences, transitional words and formatting a 5 paragraph essay.

Social Studies

In Social Studies, fourth grade students have discussed the importance of productive resources. The students are excited about having a pancake party when we return from Fall Break and discuss the types of resources  required to make pancakes.