Fulton County Schools Virtual Attendance Guidelines

Fulton County Schools
Virtual Attendance Explained 


Elementary Virtual Attendance

During Universal Remote Learning, students are marked “participated” by their teacher when a student either attends a synchronous lesson, communicates directly with the school, or submits a work assignment. For different grade levels, this happens at a different frequency as listed below:


Grade Levels

How frequently is participation marked?

K-1st Grade

Daily during homeroom

2nd-5th Grade

Daily, during Math and Reading


When is a student marked absent for the day?

For any class where a student is not marked as participated, a “Virtual Absence” will appear in the Campus student and parent portal the next day. 


A student is only marked ABSENT for the day if they did not participate for the entire day. 

Example: For students being marked for Reading and Math, they must be marked “participated” in one class to be present for the day. 



Middle School Virtual Attendance

During Universal Remote Learning, students are marked “participated” by their teacher when a student either attends a synchronous lesson, communicates directly with the school, or submits a work assignment.

Each course, that typically takes attendance, teachers should be marking “participation” each day.  For any class where a student is not marked as participated, a “Virtual Absence” will appear in the Campus student and parent portal the next day. 


When is a student marked absent for the day?

A student is only marked ABSENT for the day if they did not participate for the entire day.


Important The Main Street Academy Absence Guidelines:

  • Parents/Guardians should regularly review students attendance via Infinite Campus
  • If there is an attendance discrepancy, parents/guardians must contact student homeroom
    teacher (allow 24 -48 hours for updates to be reflected in Infinite Campus)
  • If student is absent for two consecutive days, parent/guardian will receive notification from a
    member of TMSA's Social Services Department or administration
  • Beginning August 31, 2020 parents/guardians will be required to inform homeroom teachers of absences the day of occurance