As The Main Street Academy's 2020 - 2021 academic school year will begin with Universal Remote Learning (virtual learning) on August 11, 2020, Principal Parker suggests the following school supplies to enhance the virtual learning experience for all students:
- Pens, pencils and highlighters
- Notecards and Post-It-Notes
- File folders and/or pocket folders
- Construction paper
- Ruler
- Tape
- Scissors
- Printer, printer paper and printer ink cartridges
- Computer or laptop
- Dependable Internet connection
Organizational Items:
- Inexpensive, stackable file racks label per subject (makes storing and locating materials easy)
- Whiteboard, magnetic board or corkboard
- Desk organizer
- Bookshelves, storage bins or crates
- Sturdy 3-hole punch (helps organize binders)
- Jump/flash drives to electronically store assignments and lessons
Please note that each TMSA scholar will receive a school issued chromebook the week of August 3rd (with the exception of kindergarteners who will receive their chromebooks late August/early September). More details to follow. Also, school supply lists per TMSA grade level will be available late July/early August.